
Local Missions/Love, Rocklane

Mission Statement: We exist to help the community know Christ through selfless acts of service.

How can you serve?

If you would like to find out more, email us at loverocklane@rocklanechristian.org!

To find out more about the local missions we support and how to serve, click on the following links!

The Refuge

It is the goal of the Refuge to provide assistance for physical, emotional, academic and spiritual needs of Johnson and Marion County residents. We are a faith-based community outreach center that is supported by local churches, organizations, businesses and individuals. We rely on the gifts, talents and wisdom of our community to be available to those in need.



Clarity is here to advocate for and alongside women and men of all ages to provide holistic care and create a future of hope because we believe YOU MATTER. We offer a culture where every human life is valued and celebrated as a gift from God.




Haven Sanctuary for Women (Haven) is a non-profit transitional housing facility in Greenwood, Indiana. They work to improve the lives of single and homeless mothers by encouraging healthy relationships with Christ and fostering the confidence and knowledge necessary to support themselves and their households.


The Hope Center

Our residential care programs offer comprehensive support services to women survivors of domestic sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, sexual trauma, addictions, and other life-dominating issues. We're on a mission to impart the hope and healing of Jesus to every heart by providing resources and programs that address both physical and spiritual needs.


Global Missions

Mission Statement: Rocklane Christian Church's Global Outreach (GO) Team exists to ensure that we are helping people all over the world to know God.

If you would like to find out more, email us at globaloutreach@rocklanechristian.org

Upcoming Short-Term Mission Trips

June 7-13, 2025: Filter of Hope/Cuba

June 14-20, 2025: Filter of Hope/Guatemala


TCM International Institute, main campus in Vienna, Austria and headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, develops Christian leaders for significant service through higher learning so that every nation will have effective leaders of disciple-making movements impacting their churches, cultures and countries for Christ.


Filter of Hope

Headquartered in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the mission is to bring clear water and Christ's love to those in desperate need of both. Working with churches and mission organizations, water filters are distributed to families in need. The filter is used as a tool to effectively share the gospel. To sustain evangelistic efforts, the local church provides follow-up visits.



Tom and Suja Brane are making an impact in West Africa through spiritual discipleship, developmental empowerment and medical outreach in the name of Jesus.

tom@branefamily.com & suja@branefamily.com

LIfeline Christian Mission

Headquartered in Westerville, Ohio, Lifeline's mission is meeting physical needs while sharing the eternal hope of Christ Jesus, and engaging Christians to live out the Great Commission.


One Mission Society

RCC members David Meek and Margo Concepcion serve at OMS-USA headquarters in Greenwood, Indiana. David served for many years in Japan and now serves on the Development Team. Margo recruits and mobilizes new missionaries. OMS focuses on engaging the one to reach the many by multiplying disciples, churches, leaders and missionaries in over 75 nations around the world.


Haitian Christian Outreach

Headquartered in Kokomo, Indiana, HCO partners with Haitian Christians in and around Port - au - Prince, Haiti to transform a culture for Christ. The goal is to evangelize, equip, empower, and encourage our partners using a biblical model of ministry through the leadership of RoRo and Eline Eustache.
